Thursday, July 21, 2011

God is love

This past week I read 1 John 4:8 and the last part of it just jumped off the page to me- "...for God IS love" Now this is something I have often read, heard, and thought... but this week it was different. God IS love... It's what defines Him - his personality, his actions, his very nature. It amazes me that anything I want to know about this infinite and mighty God can be summed up in one seemingly small 4 letter word that has a meaning far deeper than I could ever begin to describe. LOVE....
Love- Created me. 
Love- Set me free. 
Love- Gave me purpose. 
Love- Saved me.

I read a quote that said "Love isn't something God does- It is who He is" 
He IS my creator, my freedom, my purpose, my Savior.... 
and as 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes:
He IS patient and kind. He is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. He is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. He does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. He never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

How beautiful is that! He keeps no record of it when I wrong Him. He is patient with me. He never loses faith in me or gives up on me. He will endure through every circumstance. He will always BE kind. Wow... 

But here's the thing...And this part really gets me sometimes.... I am suppsed to walk through this life as a reflection of Him. So, MY life should be defined by this love. Love should not be something I "do"- but who I am.
I've been learning through this week that there are so many people in this world that don't need you to "do" anything but just "BE love to them"
Maybe it's by being patient with them when they cut you off in traffic, Giving a kind smile when they need cheering up, or by forgiving even when they have clearly done something against you.

My prayer is that we would BE LOVE- everywhere we go because you never know how far it will grow! When I leave this Earth I want to leave a legacy of love. I want people to remember me as a woman who loved much and loved well. 

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