Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Love for All

This morning I was killing some time in Starbucks reading my bible and I came across this verse. 

"As for the saints who are on the earth, They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” Psalm 16:3

This verse just JUMPED off the page at me. I love how David addresses God's people as "the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." David's love for God's people is so evident here.

I read an awesome and challenging commentary on this verse that I thought I'd share... 
For many followers of Christ today are so negative about the people of God that they find themselves unable to see any 'excellence' in God's people. They are unable to 'delight in them.' David delighted in the people of God despite their failings, scandals, and embarassment. 
How we love other believers can be an easy way of measuring our relationship with the Lord. Do we love other Christians? Do we find it good and rewarding to be with them? Do we seek their company? This is a simple test. Those who love the Lord will love the company of those who love him.

The bible is pretty clear when it comes to loving other believers.. 1 John 2:9-11 says, "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them"
I pray we can all have a heart like David's and can see EVERYONE through eyes of love-delighting in them as children of our Heavenly Father - Not Perfect, Just Forgiven.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Anna and the King

Not too long ago I watched the movie "Anna and the King." If you haven't seen its the story of the romance between the King of Siam and a widowed British schoolteacher named Anna during the 1860's. I love this movie for so many reasons, but mostly how perfect the timing was that I watched it. 
Have you ever had those moments when you see God's perfect timing played out in your life. It could be through a phone call from a friend or a message you may hear at church that just seems to come to you at the exact time you needed it. It's those moments I have to stop and smile because it's like a kiss from heaven reminding me that God knows and understands everything we go through. And even if He seems absent at the time He really is right there holding our hands through everything we face. It's just a reminder of how ever present He really is!
But back to the movie... 
There is a moment in the movie where the Anna is sharing her story with the King. Her story is one definitely marked by heartache, suffering, and trials. She had lost her husband, and had to move to Siam to take this job as a school teacher with her young son. Can you imagine having to pick up everything you know and move somewhere that you knew no one and start a new life right after losing someone like that? You could tell the King felt compassion for her and the hurt she was experiencing. But instead of just offering His condolences, the King leans down to her and says something that wrecked me. He said, "if you hadn't gone through your suffering..... then this unique opportunity to change the world would have been someone else's."
When he spoke those sweet words to her I completely lost it. I had to stop the movie, it was like the Lord himself had just whispered those words straight to my heart. Many times we don't understand why we go through the things we do. It's hard to understand why we have to walk through some of the trials we face. But in those moments I feel like the Lord is up in heaven cheering us on saying, "Endure! Endure! Endure! You can do it! You have no idea how I can use this difficult circumstance and turn it for good! It's going to change the world! You can do it! Hold your head high! I've got you! Don't loose heart! It's this moment right here that is preparing you for even greater things than you could ever imagine!!!"
If you find yourself going through something that seems overwhelming and hard to endure remember what Hebrews 10:36 says "Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised"
He has a plan so beautiful that it will blow your mind once you see all that He has promised fulfilled through your life. Your story will change the world!
Praying for Patient Endurance....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You Are Worth It! By: Mattie Montgomery

Loved this!
Never forget