Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back from the Holy Land!

We arrived back from Israel/Jordan on Saturday evening, but due to my lack of being able to fight off the jet-lag I am just not getting around to my normal routine. Since I've been back the question of the hour has been "How was it?"
I'm not quite sure how to answer this. So many words fill my head; amazing, wonderful, life-changing, incredible, unforgettable, etc... So since I don't have a lot of time to write today (and don't worry there WILL be more posts later) I'm gonna leave you with some lyrics to a Misty Edwards song that seems to have it covered...

He's not a baby in a manger anymore,

(Bethlehem- the manger)

He's not a broken man on a cross,

He didn't stay,

(Garden Tomb)

In the grave,

(Inside tomb)


(Beautiful Sunset over the Promise Land)
Cause He's Alive!

1 comment:

Haley Graydon said...

These pictures make it soooo real